
Thursday 18 April 2013

Round 3 - Hillingdon Ladies Crit

Round three of the league took place on Wednesday night with not a rain or snow cloud in sight! There was however a super strong wind to contend with.

It was an evening that saw many great attempts to break free stifled. There was an early attack from the Les Filles RT girls Helen Ralston and Vikki Filsell followed by great efforts from Lydia Boylan (Team CTC) and Monica Da Polenza (WyndyMilla) (both pictured below), just to name a few. 

In the end, with all attacks defeated by the wind along the main straight, the race held together until the final sprint which was won by Lydia Boylan (Team CTC), followed by Abby Dentus (De Ver Cycles) and by a tyre width, Emily Barnes (Condor Cycles).

The final sprint

All in all it was a great evening of racing. 

Results can be found on UK CycleSport

Rankings will be updated on Friday. 

Thanks to UK CycleSport and Huw Williams photography for words and pictures.